Monday, June 18, 2012

Islam and the Environment

Find an Islamic teaching through Quran, Hadith, or Seerah and explain/reflect how it relates to any aspect of the course in Environment and resource management.  Write a small paragraph with a few sentences.  



  1. Among the several challenges that the world faces today, we cannot forget our responsibility of taking care of this Earth as it's condition affects all living species. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “If the Hour (the day of Resurrection) is about to be established and one of you was holding a palm shoot, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it.” The importance of planting trees as a good deed is highlighted by the Prophet (peace be upon him). Trees are extremely essential in our ecosystem, as they have furnished us with two of life's essentials, food and oxygen. They also provide additional necessities such as shelter, medicine, and tools. In addition, trees and plants play a fundamental role in ecology as they amend the environment by moderating the climate and absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It protects not just humans but also the wildlife as it provides species with food and shelter. Therefore, sustainable development and environmental protection is important, as life without trees and plants is almost impossible. We have to obey Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and plant trees for future generations.

  2. Humans living on earth today tend to consume all the resources they want (not specifically need) with all their might and to take any actions to achieve those resources without thinking about the consequences. Many philosophers and scientists believe that man is the main source of all the destruction and disruption that's occurring in our natural balance of the universe. Nowadays, many people cut down all the trees causing deforestation for the sake of materialistic items, the extensive usage of energy without the essential need for it, consuming many more resources than needed especially with the non-renewable resources and last but least man's disruption to the animal habitats due to deforestation. Allah mentioned in his verses of the Quran, "Seek not mischief in the land, for Allah loves not those who do mischief" (Quran 28:77). Through this Quranic verse, Islam teaches that man should not be the cause of destruction and disruption to this earth that Allah has blessed us with. Man should consume what he needs in the proper amounts and proper ways without causing harm to his environment and the valuable earth. Allah is trying to warn human-kind that by causing this kind of mischief on the only home that they can ever survive in, they are causing harm for themselves in the end and not anyone else. Thus, living a balanced life with boundaries that should not be crossed to keep our earth healthy and sustainable is important for our future and our next generations.

  3. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and the earth are signs for a people who use reason.- Surah Al Bakarah 2:164

    The above verse illustrates why Muslim scholars look on nature as a book, even calling it “the book of the universe,” in this way pointing out that just like the Qur’an, the universe makes known to us our Sustainer and Creator. And the book of the universe has been entrusted to us to preserve and protect. Should those who hold the Qur’an in respect and awe, not touching it unless purified by ablutions, not also treat the book of the universe respectfully and lovingly? Our duty, therefore, as God’s vicegerents and trustees, is to show respect for the trust, and to preserve it carefully, in no way wasting its natural resources when using or consuming them.
    Environmental protection and the effect of the environment on humans are clearly outlined here. Muslims are urged to respect the environment and use it wisely in the Quran.

  4. When Allah (s.w.t) decided to send humans down on earth He said, "And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."{2:30} When Allah says 'successive authority' he is saying that he has given successive authority, or responsibility, of the earth to humans. Allah giving us responsibility over the earth means that He has given us the earth as an 'amana'. We know the seriousness of breaking an amana given to us by a person, but what if this amana was given to us by Allah, Lord of the universe, and this amana was planet earth and everything on it. This is a serious responsibilty which humans have taken on. However, we seem to be ignoring this responsibility. This all goes back to the concept of stewardship. Stewardship refers to human's responsible attitude towards caring for the earth. Being a good steward means taking full responsibility and caring for the earth in a proper manner. Today, however, humans waste resources, pollute, destroy habitats and vegetation all in a way which, if is not stopped, is capable of destroying our earth. Islam tells us to take care of our earth properly, 1400 years before any environmentalists woke up and started defending the earth. To fully take responsibility and care for the earth we must practice sustainable development , manage our resources properly, and become good stewards of our earth.

  5. Allah (SWT) says in the Qura’n: “And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it, and they will say, "Oh, woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?" And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does injustice to no one.” [18:49]
    This Ayah shows that Allah (SWT) has mentioned in the Qura’n every small and great event happened or will happen. He also talked about how, in the future, people will destroy the Earth by their hands. “Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].” [30:41]
    This Ayah means that a corruption has appeared on land, in the wastelands, because of the rain being withheld and the vegetation diminishing, and on sea, in lands near rivers because of their waters diminishing, because of what people’s hands have perpetrated, of acts of disobedience, that He may make them taste something of what they have done, that is, the punishment for it, that perhaps they may repent. So, Allah will punish us for the way we destroy his creation, which means that we have to care about this beautiful Earth we live on and try to save it from any harm and save it for the future generation.

  6. Throughout the course alhumdullilah we learned that it is our duty as muslims to protect the environment and find ways to prevent harm to it. During our lessons we learned many ways to conserve the environment such as save water, preserve energy, using renewable resources, not littering, and the list goes on.

    Allah(SWT) has not prevented us from living a luxurious life, but it does not mean that we should damage and abuse natural resources provided for us. It is clearly stated in many verses in the Quran that Allah(SWT) says: “But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and (yet), do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corruptors. " [Quran 28:77]
    Also, in the Quran and Sunnah the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) sends out instructions for all muslims to preserve the environment, which comprise of not cutting down trees without a cause. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) points out that there are benefits in planting trees that will last till the day of judgement: "If the Hour is imminent and anyone of you has a palm shoot (to plant) in his hand and is able to plant it before the Hour strikes, then he should do so and he will be rewarded for that action."
    Therefore, in the Quran and Hadith there are several verses mentioned that we should protect the environment. Allah(SWT) has given us the earth in order to protect it and value it, not trash it. We as Muslims should advise our ummah to help save the environment and inshaallah make it a better place to live in.

  7. In the west we live a pretty luxurious lifestyle, it also doesn't seem important to us to study the environment because there are no direct benefits. The society we live in today actually makes it harder for us to sustain resources because non-renewable energy is a lot cheaper. After studying this course I can understand better about how we are connected to the environment and dependent upon it. Likewise we cannot fully understand the environment unless we study the multiple teaching of the Quran and Hadith. Everything is given to us by Allah(SWT) all our wealth, property and business. Whenever I eat a meal I always remember this hadith and it helps me to not waste any of it.

    Narrated by Abu Hurairah R.A. Once during a day or night. Allah's Messenger (PBUH) came out and found Abu Bakr and Umar R.A. he said "What has brought you out of your homes at this hour?" They replied: Hunger, O Allah's Messenger." He said: "By Him(Allah) in Whose Hand my soul is, I too have come out for the same reason for which you have come out." Then he PBUH said to them (both):"Come Along!" And he went along with them to a man from the Ansar but they did not find him in his house. The wife of that man saw the Prophet PBUH and said: "You are welcome." Allah's Messenger PBUH asked her: "where is so-and-so?" She replied: "He has gone to fetch some water for us." In the mean time the Ansari man came, he saw Allah's Messenger and his two Companions and said: "All praise and thanks are Allah's: today there are none superior to me as regards guests." Then he went and brought a part of a bunch of date fruit, having dates, some still green, some ripe and some fully ripe and requested them to eat from it. He then took his knife (to slaughter for them a sheep). Allah's Messenger PBUH said to him: "Beware! Do not slaughter a milch sheep." So he slaughtered a sheep (prepared meals from its meat). They ate from that sheep and that bunch of dates and drank water. After they had finished eating and drinking to their fill. Allah's Messenger said to Abu Bakr and Umar R.A.: By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, you will be asked about this treat on the Day of Resurrection. He(Allah) brought you out of your homes with hunger and you are not returning to your homes till you have been blessed with this treat." (Sahih Muslim, Vol.6, The Book of Foods and Drinks, Hadith.No.2038-S.S.M.H.1306).

    Even though they were starving for days and being companions of the Prophet and even the Prophet Muhammad PBUH himself who could ignore hunger more than anyone else. They will still be asked about the meal on the Day of Resurrection. Also the fact that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH chose to call the meal a treat even though he was

    As Muslim's living in the west we are not so often reminded about the hereafter and should reflect on the teachings of the Prophet and the Quran as they are the only beneficial teachings.

  8. In the Quran, Islam's revealed text, men and women are viewed as God's vicegerents on Earth. (2:30) God created nature in a balance ("al-mizan") and mankind's responsibility is to maintain this fragile equilibrium through wise governance and sound personal conduct.

    The Quran also describes the believing men and women as those who "walk on the Earth in humility." (25:63) Scholars have interpreted this verse, and others like it, to mean that Muslims are to protect nature's many bounties given to them by the Almighty. Preservation is therefore more than a good policy recommendation - it is a commandment from God.

    There are more then 700 verses in the Quran regarding the environment. our earth, Etc... This shows the significance the environment has towards us muslims and how we should take care of it in an islamic perspective. The environment for us muslims is known as an amana from allah (set). Allah also says Further, God compels Muslims in the Quran to respect and revere the environment when He says, "Greater indeed than the creation of man is the creation of the heavens and the earth." (40:57). We know the significance we have in this world, and this ayyah shows that the significance of the earth is greater then us. We as muslims should undergo sustainable development because it is indeed part of our religion to do so and is from our own responsibility to keep it sustained in out generation for the future ones.

  9. Throughout this course we have learned a lot about preserving the earth and taking care of the environment. It is important for us to take care of our environment and our earth, especially for us as Muslims. The Quran says:"And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. And invoke Him in fear and aspiration. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good" ( chapter 7, verse 56). Allah (SWT) tells us that we should not corrupt our earth by taking advantage of our resources and destroying the environment. It is our duty as Muslims to take care of the earth and the environment, just as we must take care of our bodies. Allah (SWT) promises His mercy on those who do good in this life, including preserving the earth.
    The prophet Muhammad (SAW) also says: "If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 8:41). This hadith shows us just how important it is for us to preserve and maintain our environment and earth. This earth that we live on is an amana from Allah (SWT). It is a blessing given to us by our Almighty God and it is up to us to maintain it and take care of it.

  10. Quran 2:30 "Your Lord said unto the angels: “Lo! I am about to place a viceroy on the earth…,” and Quran 22:65 “Do you not see that God has made subject to you (humans) all that is on the earth”
    In Islam, Muslims believe that man has been given a responsibility by Allah on this earth and that man will be accountable to God for his actions and the trust placed in him. Prophet Muhammad said, ”Everyone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges. The ruler who has authority over people is a guardian and is responsible for them”(Sahih Bukhari 3.46.730). Islam has urged humanity to be kind to nature and not to abuse the trust that has been placed on the shoulders of man. In fact, to be kind to animals is an integral part of Islam for Muslims.
    This responsibility is the same as the concept of stewardship. Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care

  11. This course focuses on different aspects of the earth and how we, as individuals can preserve it by making it a more sustainable environment. It is our duty as Muslims to care for what has been provided for us, we should see it and accept it as a form of blessing. Therefore, we should try and not waste what we have, this can be in terms of resources such as; water, minerals, etc. This can be achieved through recycling, composting, reusing and many other ways. Moreover, environment is just another way of saying creation. If, instead of using the term "environment," we think about the glorious "creation" of Almighty Allah, it makes so much sense that Muslims should be the ones who guard that creation with the greatest care.
    "It is He Who sends down rain from the sky: from it ye drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation on which ye feed your cattle. With it He produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes and every kind of fruit: verily in this is a sign for those who give thought."(Qur'an 16: 10-11).
    Nevertheless, one of the conditions for a Muslim to take part in a war is that innocent civilians as well as plants and trees should not be harmed. Also, the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said; "Just as we pray five times a day and fast during the holy month of Ramadan, caring for the earth and all that is in it is truly part of being Muslim."Idris Tawfiq
    With all the evidence provided, it it clear that we, as Muslims need to protect this environment because it is a form of blessing. If we do our share, surely Allah(SWT) will help us through the times of difficulty.

  12. "O children of Adam! ... eat and drink: but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters." (Surah 7:31) This verse is truly beloved, it explains the immense amount of care we should have for the environment and resources that Allah (SAW) has supplied the Earth with; so we may use such resources for our own benefit. Yet it contradicts the words of Allah which are clear in the Quran that we must not ‘waste by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters.’ Though this is what civilians are doing, evidence for this is through the study of the Ecological Footprints the world is producing. The Ecological footprint that Canada alone is producing is 7.6 global hectares per person; this is a very high number. Canada is taking resources and turning them into waste faster than the amount of time the resources have to recover. This number continues to rise to this day, and all play a part by throwing away excess food and letting the water run. These are all methods of wasting, yet Allah (SAW) says he does not love the wasters; but we continue to waste. Humans waste resources and pollute the Earth faster than the Earth has time to reproduce such resources. As Muslims, one must have to play a role in helping the Environment, all should put in effort. When effort and time is put into an objective it can be renewed and or fixed. In this case scenario all people should waste less and make it so the Ecological Footprint decreases over time rather than increases. Throughout this course we have learned about the overall impact we have on the earth as humans, and if we do not take into consideration the amount of abuse we are inflicting upon the earth; it will affect us all drastically. If the physical changes appear to come at a slower pace, consider the religious changes. Do we really wish to go against Allah, and to have him not love us because we choose to waste? So overall this ayah basically wrapped up that even in the Quran it is clear that we should not abuse the amount of blessings we are given through food, water, or anything the earth or others provide for us.

  13. Anas, radhi Allah'anhu, said,
    "The Prophet, peace be upon him used to make wudu with a mudd (of water) and make ghusl with a saa' or up to five mudds." [Muslim and others]
    A saa' is equal to four mudds. A mudd is that amount of water which is held by the two hands close together.
    Us as humans now a days are running water freely when it comes to wudu, and running a sink basin full of water just to wash our feet for wudu. If we actually take this hadith into consideration then we would feel ashamed of how we waste one of the bounties of Allah ta'ala these days.
    We should all fear Allah, remember this hadith and follow the Sunnah when it comes to using the water carefully and not being wasteful.
    We should realize that using a lot of water for wudu is included in the words of Allah: “and waste not by extravagance. Verily, He likes not Al-Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance)” [al-An ‘am 6:141].It is makrooh to waste by extravagance even if one is on the bank of a flowing river.
    Wasting by extravagance when doing wudu is a blameworthy action.
    All of this in the end will lead to sarcacity. We are wasting energy and polluting the air at the same time. We will not be good stewards for the earth and the environment if we continue to waste water.

  14. The maintenance of this Earth relies strictly on us, humans. Having said that, our population is now 6,840,507,003 causing an evident imbalance on this earth.

    On the authority of Abdullah Ibn Umar, May Allah be pleased with them both, he relates that the Prophet, Peace be upon him, once held my shoulders and said:
    “Live in this world as (if you are) a wayfarer or a stranger.”

    Not to take this Hadith out of context, but we should consider this earth a temporary destination. Now, consider yourself on a trip to a foreign country; as it would not be appropriate to destruct the country and leave, it is unacceptable to directly or indirectly harm this earth, knowing that you are going to depart from it.

    The Sharia’a has evolved within the guidelines set through three basic principles agreed upon by scholar jurists over the centuries. These guidelines are a set of rational and reasonable tasks the population should easily achieve, and if achieved, create balance to our disturbed earth. The guidelines are as follows:
    1. The interest of the community takes precedence over the interests of the individual
    2. Relieving hardship takes precedence over promoting benefit
    3. A bigger loss cannot be prescribed to alleviate a smaller loss and a bigger benefit takes precedence over a smaller one. Conversely a smaller harm can be prescribed to avoid a bigger harm and a smaller benefit can be dispensed with in preference to a bigger one.

    While providing for every individual the rights they own upon us and this earth, we immediately create a balance in the well-being and equality in distribution of resources amongst the population.

    Within the message of Islam, Allah has clearly emphasized the importance of maintaining this earth. It is clearly indecent to cause destruction to anything that does not belong to you, and this earth surely does not. Not only do you harm yourself and the beings that live amongst you, instead, when you depart from this earth, your carelessness will leave a drastic effect on the generations to come.
    To simplify this, is a list of simple and sensible understandings:
    1. Allah is the sole owner of the Earth and everything in it. People hold land on usufruct; for its utility value only. There is a restricted right to public property.
    2. Abuse of rights is prohibited and penalized.
    3. There are rights to the benefits derived from natural resources held in common.
    4. Scarce resource utilization is controlled.
    5. The common welfare is protected
    6. Benefits are protected and detriments are either reduced or eliminated.

    Overall, the preservation of this earth does not lie beyond our capabilities. Humans have the ability to build the ideal earth they want to live in.
    “Better sooner than later but never later better.”

  15. Islam is not only a religion; it is a way of life. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that throughout the Qur’an and in various hadith, Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) continuously speak of sustaining the living things around us and maintaining the environment. The Qur’an explains that mankind holds a privileged position among God’s creations on earth: he is chosen as khalifa, “vicegerent” and carries the responsibility of caring for God’s earthly creations.
    The Qur’an says
    “To God belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth, for God encompasses everything”. [4:126]
    The Prophet considered all of God’s creations to be equal before God and he believed animals, but also land, forests and watercourses should have rights. Therefore abusing one of His creations, whether it is a living being or a natural resource, is an evil act and could be considered a sin
    "It is He who produceth gardens with trellises and without and dates and tilth with produce of all kinds and olives and pomegranates similar (in kind) and different (in variety): eat of their fruit in their season but render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered. But waste not by excess: for Allah loveth not the wasters." (6:141)
    The Prophet not only encouraged the sustainable use of fertile lands, (even commanding no tree to be cut in battle, a time when most people wouldn’t even think about sustaining the natural resources) he also told his followers of the benefits of making unused land productive: planting a tree, sowing a seed and irrigating dry land were all regarded as charitable deeds.
    Many times has Islam told the Muslims to practice things like “sustainable development” and “environmental awareness”, which may seem like modern terms invented to protect the Earth from further damage, yet we see these terms being implemented about 1400 years ago, by people who emerged from the desserts of Arabia, simply because he was ordered to do so by his Lord.

  16. Muslims have to look after the earth because it is all Allah’s creation and it is part of a human’s duty to Allah:
    "Allah is He Who raised up the heavens without any pillars that you can see. Then He settled Himself on the Throne, and constrained the sun and the moon to serve you; each planet pursues its course during an appointed term. He regulates it all and expounds the Signs, that you may have firm belief in the meeting with your Lord. He it is Who spread out the earth and made therein firmly fixed mountains and rivers, and of fruits of every kind He has made pairs. He causes the night to cover the day. In all this, verily, are signs doer a people who reflect." (Surah 13:3-4)
    Because of this passage, people see themselves as being responsible for the world which Allah created and they have to make their own decisions about how to do this. The Quran continues to outline the importance of nature and it's protection in the verse:
    "Devote thyself single-mindedly to the Faith, and thus follow the nature designed by Allah, the nature according to which He has fashioned mankind. There is no altering the creation of Allah."(Surah 30:30)
    Allah has asked us to devote ourselves to the way He created the earth. Therefore with this verse, He is asking us to sustain all that is within this planet. Including our natural resources and nature alike. However it is mentioned repeatedly both in the Quran and Hadith of the importance of nature and sustaining that which Allah has placed for us on this world. We are blessed and we should not be wasteful and take in access. At an individual level, if we made a commitment to following the Quran and Hadith as a way of life, we would not be in this crisis of global warming. Therefore, we as Muslims should strive to practice what Allah tells us. May He then reward us for our actions, Ameen.
